171 Heald Sizematic, 8" Swing, Marposs E-9 Gauge System, Rough and Finish Timers, Vari Speed Work Head, Reciprocation or Plunge, As Is
S/N 48894 Year: 1986
Maximum swing, straight work, on center line dia.. 13-3/4
Maximum swing over table.......................... 11-3/4
Swing inside standard guard diameter.............. 8
Maximum length of hole............................ 3
Maximum diameter of hole.......................... 2
Minimum diameter of hole.......................... 1/8
Maximum included angle (Sizematic only)........... 60 degrees
Center of chuck spindle from floor................ 44
Diameter of work head spindle flange.............. 6
Table travel...................................... 12
Table speed - rapid traverse...................... 35 FPM
Table speeds for grinding unlimited between....... 0-20 FPM
Work head speed - two step sheave................. 960 or 1360 FPM
One turn of cross feed hand wheel................. .060 on dia.
Maximum power cross feed.......................... .042 on dia.
Wheel wear compensation on diameter............... 0 - .004
Work head motor -
Std. voltages.................. 60 cycle a-c 1 HP - 1800 RPM
Oil pump motor................. 60 cycle a-c 1-1/2 HP - 1800 RPM
Wheel head motor............... 60 cycle a-c 5 HP - 3600 RPM
Coolant pump motor............. 60 cycle a-c 1/4 HP - 1800 RPM
Capacity of oil tank............................... 10 gallons
Capacity of coolant tank........................... 55 gallons
Net weight of machine (approx.).................... 5,400 lbs.
Marposse E-9 gauge system.
Rough and finish timer.
Vari speed work head.
0 � 1200 R.P.M.
Reciprocation or plunge.
Single or double back off.
3 Jaw chuck.
Specifications are deemed accurate, however, subject to verification or prior sale
All exchange units/returns must be shipped within 30 days. All exchange units/returns must be shipped using DDP terms - Grinders Clearing House, Inc. dba GCH Machinery, is not responsible for any customs formalities or shipping costs.
If Grinders Clearing House, Inc. dba GCH Machinery does not receive exchange/core unit back within 30 days, GCH will invoice FULL replacement cost (OUTRIGHT Cost) to customer.
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